Believe it or not, canine oral hygiene is as important as the human one. However, dogs, unlike humans, cannot maintain proper routines for their teeth. In this case, the pet owner has a crucial role. If an American Bully is part of your family, taking appropriate care of their teeth requires a special strategy. Remember that dental hygiene in dogs is not only about keeping their mouth clean but also about maintaining dental health and looking for early symptoms of dental diseases. 

Below, you will read about several steps to help you easily clean your American Bully’s teeth.

Ensure You Have The Right Tools 


Three important tools are essential for the cleaning teeth process: dog-specific toothpaste, a toothbrush, and rubber gloves. When picking out the toothpaste for your Bully, you must ensure it is suitable for its breed. Many types and brands are on the market, so you will need to do more extensive research to see which one is suitable. Moreover, you should pick a toothbrush designed for dogs, but you can also use one intended for children with soft bristles. Lastly, do not forget the rubber gloves because they will protect your hands from toothpaste, drool, and your dog’s teeth.


Incorporate Practical Techniques 


Using the right methods will ensure you maintain proper oral hygiene in your dog. Remember to always start with the outside of your Bully’s teeth because that is the essential part. Also, do not forget about brushing the gums because this way, you can prevent gum disease. Ensure to spend 30 to 60 seconds brushing each side of your dog’s mouth.



Start Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth Early 


Similarly to children, American Bully puppies learn the best while they are still developing. So, starting to clean their teeth from an early age means getting them to adapt to the whole process more quickly. Once they adjust, you will easily clean their mouth – and you will not have to spend a lot of time. 


These three simple tips can help you teach and get your American Bully used to teeth cleaning. Don’t forget that establishing an oral hygiene routine is of crucial importance for the overall well-being of your furry friend.


If you are ready for a puppy, do not hesitate to check out CapCity Bullys and get the best breed for you or your friend.





 Dogs, just like people, need exercise to stay healthy and build muscle. American Bullies are no exception. If you are a proud owner of this dog breed, you must ensure it gets the exercise to build — and maintain — muscle mass. We dedicate this blog post to the exercises that will help your American Bully build muscle and look buff. Keep reading to discover the ultimate exercise plan.

The Best Muscle-Building Exercises for American Bullies

As a Bully owner, you’ll know that exercise is important. So, without further ado, let’s kick off this Capcity Bully blog and start your pet with their new exercise plan as soon as you’re done reading!


#1 Genetic Limitations

Before we go any further into this American Bully blog and look at the exercises, we have to make an important point. Every Bully owner should know that the muscle mass of the Bully is determined by genetics. If your Bully’s parents are skinny, your puppy will probably be skinny, too. In these cases, you may be limited in what you can achieve and improve with exercise. It’s still worth trying, though! In case your American Bully has the right genetic predisposition, you can start them on an exercise regimen and achieve great results.


#2 Take Your Bully for a Daily Walk

The most important exercise for American Bully puppies is their daily walk. As an owner, you should walk your Bully every day for at least 30 minutes. As time passes, you can extend these walks to 60 minutes daily. It’s also important that your dog gets some running time in — at least once a week. 

#3 High-Protein, High-Fat Diet


Diet is just as important as exercise for building muscle. Combining the two ensures your American Bully gets everything it needs to build muscle. So, create a diet that is high in both protein and fat. Choose dog food that is at least 30/20. This food contains 30% more protein and 20% more fat than regular dog food. The Bully will burn through the fat with the exercise and use the protein to put on some muscle. You will find more information on creating a diet for your Bully on the Capcity Bully blog.


#4 Supplements

Bully Max  muscle support tablets  @ Amazon, click here

The right diet goes a long way in helping your Bully build muscle. But you may discover that diet alone is not enough. American Bully puppies can put on muscle more quickly if you introduce supplements to their diet. Through the supplements, your pet will get all the nutrients they need to build muscle. The supplements contain plenty of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Plus, they are in the form of chews, so they can serve as treats. So, you also get to reward your Bully. And if you read any American Bully blog, you know that rewards are an important part of the training process.


#5 Weight Vest

weight vest can be purchased @ Amazon, click here

Weight vests are great additions to any dog’s exercise routine. The vests provide resistance and add weight to your Bully’s body. This makes the exercise routine more effective. However, choosing the right vest for your four-legged companion is essential. Ensure you get the right size — it should neither be tight nor loose. The weight of the vest is also something to consider. A vest can weigh between 2 to 10 pounds, but you should start slowly and increase the weight. The team behind the Capcity Bully blog advises that the vest doesn’t weigh more than 10% of your Bully’s body weight


#6 Spring Poles


The spring pole is another great exercise tool. In essence, spring poles are tug ropes. Your American Bully can tug on it, having fun and exercising at the same time. The tug rope of the spring pole is connected to a heavy-duty spring that can be attached to an outdoor structure. Just ensure the spring pole is attached to a firm structure, so your Bully won’t hurt itself while enjoying its game of tug. 

#7 Flirt Poles


Another popular exercise tool for American Bullies is the flirt pole. These poles consist of a sturdy yet flexible pole with a string attached to it and a lure at the end of it. The lure is just a dog toy that will attract your Bully’s attention. Dangling the toy in front of your dog will motivate it to chase it and try to reach it. Besides physical exercise, flirt poles are great for mental exercise as well. 

 #8 Weight Pulls


The first thing to know about weight pulls is that they’re not suitable for American Bully puppies. If you want to introduce weights to your Bully’s exercise regime, you need to wait until it’s older and can handle the weight. The weights your Bully pulls shouldn’t exceed its body weight. Otherwise, the weight can cause more harm than good. Other than exercise, weight pulling can help your Bully with any behavioral issues it may have.


#9 Swimming


If you read any American Bully blog, you’ll find out that Bullies aren’t natural swimmers like some other dog breeds. However, you can teach your Bully how to swim. Swimming is a great exercise for dogs. It helps build muscle mass and create muscle definition. Be mindful to take your Bully swimming in shallow water and stay by its side. It’s also a good idea to avoid cold water and keep the swimming sessions short. Make it look like a game, and your Bully will want to go swimming before you know it!

#10 Don’t Forget About the Rest Period

Some Bully owners often forget about the most important part of any exercise routine — rest. Exercise is necessary to activate the muscles. But the rest period is when these muscles are built and defined. So, make sure your American Bully gets plenty of rest and a good night’s sleep. Once that Bully is well-rested, you can really see those muscles pop! So, wait no more and get your four-legged friend started on that exercise regime. 


Finally, if you want to get some more information on our new Capcity Bully puppies, adults for sale, latest blogs, and breedings – scroll down to the bottom of the page and fill out the email alerts box!





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