Vitamin and mineral supplements are the most important components in any dog’s feeding.
If there is a balance in the vitamin and mineral supplements, then the animal will have a
healthy life and hence, the immunity is not compromised in an unwanted way.
This simply
means that there the dog will be more disease resistance against various diseases.
Pet owners should know that vitamins A, D, E, and K are the fat-soluble vitamins and others
are water-soluble vitamins.
Vitamins like thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin are
important for the functions of nervous system.
Deficiency of vitamin A leads to night
blindness and skin lesions and deficiency of vitamin D leads to the softening and weakening
of the bones.
These problems are many a time encountered by the dog owners. Among these, vitamin A
toxicities may occur if you feed them in excessive amounts, like vitamin D. Hence, give
emphasis on this while you are using these vitamins in the dogs.
Cod liver oil from selected
fishes has more vitamin A in them and are universally good feed for dogs.
All dogs may not need supplements of minerals or vitamins to live well for the moment, but it
is important for their future. If they become sick or aged or very young without proper
feeding, supplementations are required for the upkeep of health status in them.
However, one
has to follow the instructions of veterinarian in this regard.
If the dogs are fed with fish in frozen conditions, then they may be suffering constantly from
vitamin B1 deficiency and hence, such dogs need to be given specifically B1.
supplementations of minerals may lead to diseases and hence, veterinarians always need to
be consulted on the supplementation of minerals or vitamins.
Minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper etc. are given more
emphasis in addition to sodium and potassium. Zinc is related to skin health and potassium is
related to the muscle health and calcium with phosphorus is related to the bone health.
However, if you feed the dog with chicken, mutton or beef along with required vegetables,
artificial supplementation of mineral or vitamin tablets may be highly reduced but
supplements need to be thought of when you are not able to maintain a balanced nutrition as
this happens with most of the dogs, due to multifaceted causes
Article In Breeder Business